Heron Bros are BITC Responsible Business Champions 2020!

Heron Bros are proud to be announced as BITC Responsible Business champions 2020. After much discussion within the Board and Executive of BITC the judges decided not to lift one company above another considering the extraordinary circumstances. Therefore, BITC have decided that this year they will recognize the leadership and excellence of all the finalists.

“Responsible business practices create value for our business and is critical to our future… we continue to challenge our business and industry to drive added value through quality and sustainability.” – Martin O’Kane Group Dept Managing Director.

Heron Bros’ ‘Construction Academy and Social Value Charter’ tackles inequalities across the cities and regions in which it operates. It aims to be an inclusive growth model – driving positive social and economic outcomes and addressing health inequalities.

Amanda Mackenzie OBE, Chief Executive of Business in the Community, said: ‘Huge congratulations to Heron Bros and our other responsible business champions. In one of the most challenging years yet for responsible businesses, it is a comfort to know that there are organisations like this, whose clear purpose and powerful leadership can set an example to their supply chain and the industry at large. Our 2020 awards may not have been business as usual but they leave us in no doubt that the UK has everything that it needs to build back responsibly.’


You can find out more by visiting the BITC website