We are delighted to present our first annual Sustainability Performance Report.

We recognise that sustainability creates value for our business and is critical to our future success. We have therefore placed sustainability at the core of our business strategy to ensure we challenge our business and industry to drive the sustainable growth required.

Our first task was to identify and understand what sustainability means to our business.  This would determine how we communicate our strategy to stakeholders while enabling us to monitor, measure and report on our performance.  We developed the following five pillars that make up our strategy and approach to sustainability at Heron Bros Ltd:

  • Responsible Business
  • Resource Efficiency & Natural Environment
  • People & Lifestyle
  • Community & Partnering
  • Business through Innovation

Focusing on each of the above we have developed objectives and targets that will drive the shift required towards becoming a truly sustainable business.

“We have challenged ourselves to become a more resource efficient and sustainable business.”  (Damian Heron, Group Managing Director, Heron Bros Ltd)

We will continue to track our progress against the objectives of our strategy and from this we will aim to build upon our progress.

Our first annual report benchmarks our efforts in sustainability during 2014, outlining where we are now, and where we want to be in the future. It provides us with a baseline from which we can gauge our performance going forward.

For further information about our strategy or our annual performance report, please contactliam.mcevoy@heronbros.com .

Heron Bros Ltd - Sustainability Report 2014